I agree, RBI should follow the Fed. Nonetheless, I think Rupee could end up at 90 by year-end. Do you know how much of corporate foreign debt is publicly guaranteed?

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My concern is about foreign currency bonds issued by large corporates (not short term loc type guarantees.) These are usually publicly guaranteed to get investment grade. RBI or BIS should have this data. I don’t have access anymore since I retired.

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I read somewhere that equity downfall always starts with Bonds going down.

Write on this Sir Ji.

Thanks for this.

Liked the sentence bye bye 18000 Nifty.

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So what do you suggest Sir, how should an equity investor plan his investment looking at this grim view.

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Sir, for the recent posts , I am not able to comment on the articles because it has been disabled and is saying that you have to be a paid subscriber to post comments.

But it's not showing any paid options for subscriptions. So, do you know what is going on.

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