Sweet !

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Hey mohit ,

Whenever I read your post there’s something that I try to relate to or learn from your experience… and this week it’s the decision fatigue . While I am trying to focus on this one thing in my life right now the limited ability of my mind to focus just on that has made me let go of so many unnecessary “online research” we end up doing for hundreds of things ….

Mohit when you look at young start ups do you focus on any particular sector you have conviction on for the next decade or you rather focus on that start up regardless of the sector they r in ?

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Thanks, Idris.

Regarding start-ups, it has to be 3 things at least:

- an idea which has potential.

- a business I can understand

- a founder with acumen and staying power.

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Remember Marketing Myopia ! Great companies die because they define ‘what business are we in ‘ too narrowly. They then focus on building competence in too a very limited domain and change catches them by surprise. Even Tech companies like Apple thrive because they provide a system which takes a large share of consumers communication, knowledge and entertainment requirement rather than focus on providing better telephony. Will be interesting to see what happens to today’s great disruptor, Tesla !

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